10 Science-Backed Reasons to Filter Your Tap Water

10 Science-Backed Reasons to Filter Your Tap Water

One thing is for certain: Every human on the planet needs water to survive. But do you really need to filter your tap water? Yes, says the Environmental Working Group (EWG), whose mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment1. Simply put, you are what you drink. Just as you put clean fuel into your car’s engine, so too should you nourish your body with clean, filtered drinking water to ensure that the water you ingest is as safe as it can be.

Here are 10 reasons, backed by science, why filtering the water you drink is essential to your health:

  • Your tap water may not be as safe as you think it is. 
  • It’s been more than 20 years since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has added any new contaminants to the toxic chemicals covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act2. At the same time, studies show that clean tap water is no longer a given in many cities throughout the United States3.

  • Filtered water tastes better. 
  • Bacteria, toxins, and chemicals that municipalities use to clean your water can all change the taste of it. By filtering your water, you’re able to filter out any off-putting smells and tastes, making your drinking water - and the food you make with it - all taste better.

  • It can protect your body from disease by removing dangerous contaminants.
  • Studies conducted by the EWG suggest that up to 100,000 cancer cases could be tied to toxic chemicals in our water. By filtering your tap water, you can reduce your exposure to known carcinogens4

  • It can provide greater overall health and energy than non-filtered water.
  • Water is the basis of life for all humans and living things on Earth and is the most abundant molecule in cells, accounting for 70 percent or more of our total cell mass. Given the importance of water to our cell and bodily functions, it’s important that the water we drink is as fresh, pure and easy as possible for our bodies to absorb.

  • It prevents illness for those at greater risk of health complications. 
  • If you’re pregnant, older, younger, immuno-compromised or suffer from chronic health issues, research shows that drinking water that isn’t filtered could be especially unsafe. 

  • Drinking filtered water reduces your carbon footprint. 
  • Drinking filtered water, rather than bottled water, not only improves your health, but also the health of the planet. The entire life cycle of bottled water uses fossil fuels, causes pollution, and contributes to global warming5.

  • It saves money. 
  • Did you know that sixty-four percent of bottled water is just tap water? Using a water filter at home is not only more effective, but also much more cost effective6,7. The average family can spend up to $3,000 per year when they ditch their bottled water habit.

  • Filtering your water removes chemicals, like chlorine. 
  • Ever wonder why your tap water smells weird8? It’s because when municipalities filter your water for you, they often remove toxins but do so by adding in other chemicals, like chlorine. A good water filter can filter out these added chemicals for you.

  • It also removes heavy metals. 
  • Heavy metals are naturally present in the Earth’s crust. Some do not post a threat at all, but others - such as arsenic, lead and mercury - are often found in municipal water supplies in amounts that experts believe can pose a threat to your health.

  • It will help you drink more water. 
  • If you know the drinking water supply that’s readily available in your home tastes good and is good for you, there is a chance you will drink more of it -- and that alone is good for your health.

    If you’re still skeptical that water filters really help improve the quality of your water, that’s fair - as many water filters aren’t as effective as they claim to be. In fact, 96 percent of conventional household filters do not remove lead, PFOS, VOCs, and dozens other common contaminants. When choosing a water filter, make sure you choose one that takes these harmful contaminants out, but keeps the minerals in

    Aquagear was designed by two former aerospace engineers that had one goal: to design the best water filter possible. Learn more about Aquagear’s technology here and purchase one for your home here.  


    1. EWG’s Healthy Living Home Guide: Water Filters. (n.d). Retrieved from EWG
    2. The Dirty Secret of Government Drinking Water Standards. (2019, October). Retrieved from EWG. 
    3. America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. (2020, February). Retrieved from Pulitzer Center. 
    4. Is Your Tap Water Raising Your Cancer Risk? (2019, September 26). Retrieved from Cancer Health. 
    5. Top Three Reasons to Avoid Bottled Water. (n.d). Retrieved from Harvard University: Sustainability. 
    6. New Report Reveals That 64% of Water Is Just Tap. (2018, February 23). Retrieved from Aquagear.
    7. 7 Reasons Why You Should Use a Water Filter. (2018, April 3). Retrieved from Aquagear.
    8. Why Does My Tap Water Smell Weird? (2018, April 13). Retrieved from Aquagear.
    9. The Molecular Composition of Cells (n.d). Retried from The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
    10. Aquagear: Technology (n.d). Retrieved from Aquagear.
    11. Aquagear Filters Your Water But Keeps the Minerals In (2018, March 16). Retrieved from Aquagear.